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Promedico Receives “Best Employer” Honor from AKIM

Promedico, a part of Neopharm Group, received the “Best Employer” prize for 2012 for its employment program of mentally handicapped adults. The prize was presented at a special ceremony organized by AKIM and IKEA where 1,000 business managers attended. The prize was also presented to 2 other Organizations: HAI-PARK Zoo and Malraz, Council for the Prevention of Noise and Air Pollution in Israel.

Best employer prize - AKIM

The best employer prize

Since 2006 Promedico partners with AKIM (The Israel National Association for the Advancement of the Mentally Handicapped), in a project that is designed to integrate special needs employees into the workforce. The employees work in the project performing appropriately tailored jobs and take part in all the company activities.

Promedico employees say that the daily interaction with the employees from AKIM helps them become better persons.

About AKIM

In Hebrew, AKIM is an acronym for the “Association for the Habilitation of the Intellectually Disabled”.

AKIM was founded in 1951 by Israeli parents to improve the State’s welfare system and enhance the quality of their children’s lives. Today, AKIM is the largest and most comprehensive provider of programs and services for the intellectually disabled—serving 30,000 children, teenagers, adults, and senior citizens throughout Israel.

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