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Promedico Receives “Best Employer” Honor from AKIM

June 13, 2012

Promedico, a part of Neopharm Group, received the “Best Employer” prize for 2012 for its employment program of mentally handicapped adults. The prize was presented at a special ceremony organized by AKIM and IKEA where…

logo Maala

Neopharm Receives Platinum Ratings in Maala CSR Index for 2012

Neopharm Group is proud to announce that it has received platinum ratings for its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities from Maala CSR Index, which is an index rating companies in CSR since 2003. The ratings…

Eldan To Distribute Innolytics’ OvoControl®

May 2, 2012

Eldan a part of the Neopharm Group will distribute in Israel OvoControl®, a safe, humane and effective contraceptive for pigeons developed by Innolytics. OvoControl is a ready-to-use bait that interferes with the reproduction of treated…

Environmental Policy

April 5, 2012

Neopharm Group considers environmental conservation an integral part of its everyday business decisions. The group is aware of the impact its activities have on the environment. We set our goal on developing equilibrium between business…

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