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Health and Safety in Workplace Policy

March 20, 2012

Neopharm Group’s management is committed to providing its employees, guests and service providers who enter the group facilities, a safe and healthy work environment. To fulfill this commitment, all of the group’s managers and employees…

Community Investment Policy

As a group of leading companies in the field of healthcare providing solutions for a better quality of  life, we believe that strengthening and assisting the community in which we operate rewards us, and drive…

Neopharm tree donation Certificate

Neopharm Group Donates 70 Trees Commemorating its 70th...

February 28, 2012

Neopharm Group‘s management and employees have donated and planted 70 trees at Ben-Shemen forest.  This donation to the Jewish National Fund is a part of Neopharm’s activities commemorating the 70th anniversary.  The planting of the…

Neopharm Israel’s Durex Viral Campaign for World AIDS Day...

January 22, 2012

Neopharm Israel’s Durex “Save the Bulbul”  Viral campaign, promoting safe sex for 2011 World AIDS day, gains recognition winning the creative campaign of the year award in the “Extreme Concept” advertising competition. The competition held…

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